
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Best Tips For Buying Jewelry on eBay

By : Victor Epand
Over a decade ago, a new website came into the cybersphere and it was called eBay. This site allowed millions of users to bid on a variety of merchandise in a virtual auction. It also allowed people to sell oodles of items to anyone around the world.

Of course, with this came the idea of buying cheap jewelry on eBay. Why go into a jewelry shop when you could just surf eBay and find a perfect ring at a bargain of the price. However, before you think of doing this, there are some things to consider.

Before you buy jewelry, or anything on eBay for that matter, you have to look at what kind of rating the person selling it has. If they have a poor rating, claims against them or bad reviews, you may not want to plunk down a few hundred dollars on those earrings. On the flip side, if it is someone who has sold a lot of merchandise, has excellent reviews and no claims against them, then you should be safe.

Pictures tell 1,000 words, but they don't always tell the truth. Be sure what you are buying is in fact the picture you are seeing. If it is, make sure you see if you can get as many pictures as possible of the merchandise. There is no point in buying diamond earrings with no back clasps to hold them on the ear. If there is a item with no pictures, then don't even approach buying it unless they can provide you with a photo. In this digital age, that is not too hard.

Ask as many questions as you can, including is it real? Don't go and buy something without finding out as much as you can about it first. If you buy a diamond only to find out it is fake, and you did not ask any questions, then you have absolutely no one to blame but yourself. Questions are key to buying jewelry, or anything, on eBay.

All in all, avoid buying expensive items like jewelry off eBay unless you can be sure the person selling it is legit. You may never receive the package, it may be fake or their may be something missing on it. Either way, you need to make sure about everything before purchasing. Otherwise, you are just as safe going to a second hand shop to buy a ring. At least there, you know what you are getting because you can hold it in your hand.


business opportunity said...

This blog is relevant to Selling on Ebay that allows people to sell oodles of items to anyone around the world. There are certain best tips for buying jewelry on ebay. Before buying jewelry you have to look at what kind of rating the person selling it has. Further,
All in all, avoid buying expensive items like jewelry off eBay unless you can be sure the person selling it is legit. You may never receive the package, it may be fake or their may be something missing on it.

Jackie Oliver said...

I have looked at buying jewelry online, but it makes me a little nervous. I really like what you said about making sure that the picture you are seeing is the what you are actually getting. Also, seeing lots of pictures, so you can see it from every angle. After reading this, I think I might just have to give online jewelry shopping another try. Thanks for sharing!